Types of Wood
We specialize in delivering high quality, seasoned, select northern hardwoods including oak, maple, birch and ash from our firewood processing facility directly to you.
These types of wood provide a maximum heat values combined with a minimum amount of ash residue:
Types of Wood
Maple 23.9 Millions of BTU's of Heat Produced Per Cord
Oak 24.8 Millions of BTU's of Heat Produced Per Cord
Birch 20.3 Millions of BTU's of Heat Produced Per Cord
Ash 24.2 Millions of BTU's of Heat Produced Per Cord
Your delivery will consist of wood measured by the "cord". A cord consists of 128 cubic feet of wood (for example a stack 4 feet high by 4 feet wide and 8 feet long). We offer our customers the choice of either seasoned ready-to-burn firewood or green freshly cut firewood that you can dry. (It typically takes 4-6 months of drying for green wood to be ready to burn)